Many people possess a wide range of talents and inclinations, but are unable to cultivate a sense of purpose. As a result they tend to squander their energies in all directions and will sometimes put off making valuable commitments. This is the true meaning behind the old expression; "sowing wild oats", the the folly of growing a weed instead of cultivating a valuable grain.
Using wild oat in the form of essential oils or floral waters can help bring inner clarity to these types of personality. A lack of clarity about what to do with one's abilities can often be associated with a lack of personal confidence in making decisions. This wonderful herb, or grass strengthens this confidence and reduces sensitivity to outside influences. It can also be very helpful for a "midlife" crisis, when people may feel they've missed something or chosen the wrong path in life. Wild oat essence is indicated for people who cannot seem to choose a focus from their many interests and inclinations. It can also promote feelings and actions of a calmer more clear certainty.
Start by blending 2-3 drops of the essence with an ounce of purified water and ingest 4-5 drops of the mixture 4 times daily. It should be noted that fresh, small batches are more preferred over large ones.
Power to the Flower of Wild Oat!
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