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This blog is not a health diagnosis site nor is it designed to treat illnesses. The information posted here is simply for you, the reader to evaluated and learn from. Taking and using any of the information is purely up to the discretion of the reader. If you have serious health concerns, please consult with your primary health care giver

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HUM, I WONDER ! What do you Think?

Many people hear the word melatonin and they are quick to associate it with thoughts of a good night’s sleep, but the majority of people do not understand that melatonin is a hormone which is produced by the pineal gland that does much more than help you sleep. Melatonin is responsible for influencing the onset of puberty; it also acts as a powerful antioxidant for the brain as well as other tissues and seems to play a major role in modulating the immune system. 
So where does melatonin come from? The pineal gland, which is located deep in the center of the brain, is the gland that is responsible for the production of melatonin. The pineal gland controls the bio-rhythms of the body and works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland to direct the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and biological clock. It is the job of the pineal gland to regulate the action of the pituitary gland, it prevents premature sexual awakening and inhibits the immediate discharging of thoughts into action. Thus we have the ability to think through our anger and other emotions rather than merely reacting to them. 
On June 29, 2000, at the U.S. Senate Congressional Hearing on Arsenic, Radon, and Fluoride, held by the subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water, J. William Hirzy, Ph.D. testified fluoride in public water supplies causes or contributes to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, chronic toxicity, dental fluorosis, bone pathology and neurological injury in humans, and that fluoride in public water supplies aggravates malnutrition, iodine deficiencies and other existing illnesses. 
This is created because the human body has very little ability to effectively use and pass off accumulated levels of fluoride. So the question must then be asked, what happens to all of the fluoride that is accumulated? 
Apparently fluoride builds up in the pineal gland calcifying it! Thus limiting or at the very least reducing the ability to create proper amounts of melatonin, regulate the actions of the pituitary gland and reduces our natural immunity to disease. 
Along with all of these is the added chemical interference with our spiritual and emotional awareness! Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and turns it into a rock, because of the calcification our sense of direction becomes impaired, our sleep is disturbed and we have increased trouble controlling our emotions and thoughts. 
Next question, how do we help combat and change all of this? Eliminate all fluoride from the diet, especially hidden fluoride from water, medications and food additives then plan to spend at least 20 minutes of every day out of doors in the sunshine and fresh air. This will help stimulate the calcified pineal gland. 
Scientist know that the pineal gland is covered with very fine crystalline formations that are very similar to the crystals found deep in the inner ear. They have postulated that these crystals vibrate creating frequencies. Asking the question; is this how conscience or intuition is communicated? What happens when the lines of communication becomes petrified or broken? Do we as humans act without thinking about the consequences because the lines of communications have been broken? HUM!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ginger and Truth

"The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character.
so watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings."  Buddha

Truth can be found in many places and on just as many levels!

Truth is that the earth and all of its bounty has been blessing the inhabitants of the earth for millions of years, feeding us with many layers and levels of energy to nourish the mind, body and spirit.  Ginger is one of those amazing members of plant life that feeds all three dimensions.  It sets into motion the immune system, sending out leukocytes in rapid numbers to protect and clean the body.  It strengthens the will and mind while promoting courage and confidence and most important of all it promotes and supports the ability to focus on the sincere desire of the heart and soul.

If you are planning on a journey of emotional self-discovery take Ginger, in any form, with you.  As you claim your capacity to manifest, Ginger will revive and uplift your thoughts and emotions in ways that might surprise you.

Ginger will gently help you prepare for the winter months ahead, when the days can seem long and endless.
Ginger can be the ray of sunshine on cold dreary days reminding you that spring will come again, as it warms your body and soul. Ginger is a quiet root that is warming and reviving, cleansing and uplifting.  Full of vitamins and nutrients, Ginger is known for its ability to fight cold and flus and in many cultures is considered a virtual "medicine chest" as it helps with digestion, fights joint pain, and even adds spice to your bedroom life.

Go ahead, experience the wonderful world of ginger and manifest first to yourself that you are worthy to love and be loved.  Then be quiet and let truth come to the front.