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Zerkle Family News

I am sure that everyone had a great time at the reunion, I know that I did!  We had a great turn out and there was a lot of fun activities.  I personally can't wait for the next one.  FYI, Jed & his wife Denise are in charge for next year.  This gentle reminder is for those of you who need to pay for any items bought during the auction.  We missed not seeing Uncle Jack and Aunt Elizabeth.  Maybe it will work out better next year for some of the other branches of the family to join us.  Happy Summering!

The Blogger site went down and several new posts were lost.  I think this was all of the new info that was on it.  If anyone left comments, leave them again because they were lost as well.  Hope everyone is looking forward to a great weekend in June. oxoxo

If anyone needs help coming up with a carnival booth, Mom (Lily) has several extra so contact her for ideas. 

To save any further confusion, reunion shirts are $5.00 regardless of child size or adult.  If, however,you need larger sized shirts (1X or larger) be sure to contact Amanda 435-559-1636 they are priced a little bit higher.
THIS WEEK (before May 18th)!

June 10th is coming up fast!  Be sure to check the comments down at the bottom for additional news!  Call Amanda for questions and suggestions.  The official address is 1676 North 4400 West in Cedar City, Utah.  Lots of fun and yummy food, we know that all Zerkle's are great cooks.  Can you just imagine the Dutch Oven PotLuck?

For all you Zerkle's, Young or Old and generally anywhere in between, the annual Zerkle Family Reunion will be held June "officially" June 10th, 11th & 12th 2011 in Cedar City, Utah.  Yes this means the "homestead" where most of us grew up.  Come a day early and/or stay a day later, the most important thing is to come.  Amanda Zerkle Parsons is in charge this year, questions or concerns please call her at 435-559-1636. 

We ask $40 per family or $10 per person over 18 years of age to help cover costs.  Any relationship qualifies you to participate so don't be shy.

Don't forget the Family Dutch Oven Pot Luck Dinner on Saturday night around the campfire!

There is plenty of areas to pitch a tent or pull up a camper, no "hook ups" however.  Each family is responsible to provide dinner on Friday night for themselves.  Breakfast & Lunch on Saturday will be provided.  Children's Carnival is Saturday afternoon, tickets will be for sale and each family should provide a booth with prizes.  Call Amanda soon to let her know what type of booth your family will be doing.  Remember this takes the place of the raffle.  This year's auction and theme is "Memories Are Made of This"  Each family please bring an item for the new time capsule.

Reunion Shirts need to be paid for NOW to insure that you can get one in your size. 

Watch this blog for more information or call Amanda!

1 comment:

  1. Just to clarify, the "homestead" address is 1676 North 4400 West in Cedar City, Utah.
    Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Saturday with the Giant Dutch Oven PotLuck on Saturday night. YUMMMMMMMMMMY!
