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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kick'n The Kidneys

A kidney stone is made up of minerals and proteins that have broken down in the urine.  The most common type is made from calcium deposits but stones may also be made up of magnesium and ammonia, or they can be formed from uric acid.  Some of the symptoms can include;
Persistent, penetrating pain in the side generally felt down lower by the hips
There is generally a burning sensation during urination
There can be blood seen in the urine
And the urine is generally bad or strong smelling and appears cloudy

It is extremely important to drink plenty of water to help pass the stones and aid in dissolving them.
Clear, unsweetened cranberry juice is a good choice to aid in this process.    A Hot tea made from Corn Silk, Parsley and Slippery Elm Bark is also a good choice.  Using a mixture of Castor oil and mixed with a few drops of lavender, juniper and chamomile essential oils and then placed over the kidneys and covered with a hot water bottle or hot rice sock is also very beneficial.

A good essential oil recipe would be to mix the following ingredients together and take a minimum of 5 times.  Ingest the mixture upon rising, then with each meal, and before bed time daily to help dissolve and pass the stones.  Drink 4 to 6 ounces of the mixture each time.

Mix      the juice of 1 large whole lemon with
            1 Tablespoon of Raw Honey or black strap molasses
In         8 ounces of DISTILLED WATER add the following Essential Oils
10 drops of Helichrysum
            10 drops of Geranium
            10 drops of Juniper
            10 drops of Lemongrass


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